Is marijuana the new wine? and a little raw sausage porn teaser

Above: A little marijuana porn, anyone? Click here for the big kahuna over at the U.S. DEA website.

It’s hard to believe that this is happening in my lifetime but it’s true. I had to pull over to the side of the road the other as I was driving home and heard a radio story on American Public Media Marketplace: the spokesperson for NORMAL was talking about the recent initiative to legalize recreational marijuana use in California and — get this! — turn Humboldt and Mendocino into Napa Valley-inspired marijuana tourism destinations.

I’m certainly not the only or the first to write about this is in the enoblogosphere: check out this post by Wolfgang, who asks wryly, “have I smoked too much Cabernet?”

As I head out (tomorrow) to my homestate of California, to speak about Piedmontese wines at Jaynes Gastropub on Saturday Sunday and to celebrate the Passover with my family on Monday night, I have to admit that I never thought legalized pot would happen in my lifetime (even though pot is woven deeply into the cultural fabric of my beloved California). But is weed the new wine? Humboldt County tasting rooms? Unbelievable!

In other news…

Above: I love the raw pork sausage that you typically eat as an appetizer in Piedmont. You eat it just like that, completely raw. We were served this excellent victual when we dined in the home of Giovanna Rizzolio.

I been showered by numerous requests to hurry up and post about the amazing private tastings that were organized for Tracie P and me by venerable Italian wine pundit Mr. Franzo Ziliani in Barolo and Barbaresco during our February trip there. One zealous fan of my blog writes of his “burning disappointment” that I still haven’t posted on our tastings at Vajra, G. Rinaldi, G. Mascarello, and Cascina delle Rose, “our lady of the deaf river,” as I will call the inimitable Giovanna Rizzolio, producer of one of Mr. Ziliani’s favorite Barbarescos and his close friend.

Frankly, I’m flattered by all the messages I’ve received and I promise to devote next week’s posts to my notes and impressions of these amazing wines and the truly amazing people who make them. And I can only reiterate my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Ziliani, as I wrote on Valentine’s day, in a post published not long after Tracie P and I returned from Italy: noble is the host… (the line comes from a stanza of an ode by 18th-century Italian poet Parini that I translated and dedicated to Mr. Ziliani).

5 thoughts on “Is marijuana the new wine? and a little raw sausage porn teaser

  1. Toasting up those buds would make anyone dive into that awesome plate of sausage…

    Like an outtake from Up in Smoke…

  2. Could you be a little more clearer?

    Just how thankful have you been? Or will you continue to be?

    Have you given enough credit where credit is due?

    Do you have anything more to say on the subject?

    Is there anything else you would like to say about it?

    Would you like to tell the story?

    Is this beginning to sound like Joe Dressner?

  3. Sally Pringle Yes, its true. I live right in the Heart of the Emerald Triangle. We have the perfect opportunity up for grabs right here in Willits. The perfect Tasting Room. Its Mendonisia Cafe, closed down last Fall. Totally set up ready to go, equipped with a Vault, sound system, cafe, full upstairs private rooms for showing samples. This beautiful historic site has a eighteen year lease and is up for grabs for 185,000. Right around the corner from the Cop shop, 25 mile an hour speed limit makes it safe and practical. We are in the process of setting up the bonded loot truck to drive the Ganja straight to its destination. We are ready for the buyers to come on up to our neck of the woods and spend some dollars in our town for a change. The new nwme will be The Cannabeizein ( to inhale hemp smoke) Its on! Any Takers?

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