The Ronco del Gnemiz Six-Pack is LIVE! Friulian food NOT INCLUDED

The Ronco del Gnemiz Six-Pack is officially LIVE over at, Do Bianchi Wine Selections… if you live in California and would like to taste a little bit of the Colli Orientali del Friuli (the eastern hills of Friuli), I’ll be delivering the wines and shipping on Tuesday… Check it out here.

I can get you the wines but unfortunately I can’t deliver the classic Friulian meal to go along with it. That’s soft (as opposed to crunchy) frico above: aged and fresh Montasio cheese with potatoes fried in a pie.

Grilled white corn polenta.

Fresh Montasio and salame, ossocollo, pancetta, and Prosciutto di San Daniele.

Brovada, turnips fermented and braised in red wine.