Showdown with the Best Sommelier in Town

Round these parts, they call me the San Diego Kid. You see, I’m a cowboy… a wine cowboy, and I ride a silver Hyundai with a six pack slung across my back. It’s a tough job keeping the mean dusty streets of these towns safe for Italian wine. But someone’s got to do it.

Last night, me and my lady Tracie B were at the hoe down when Mark Sayre showed up. Some say he’s the “best sommelier in town” and I knew the moment of Nebbiolo truth had arrived.

He drew a 1999 Pajé by Roagna and said “reach for it, mister!” Me? I reached in my holster for my trusty Produttori del Barbaresco… Luckily for me, I happened to have the 2001 Pora on me. Bullets began to fly and charcuterie was served…

5 thoughts on “Showdown with the Best Sommelier in Town

  1. clearly the story’s abrupt ending does not bode well for the San Diego Kid. I can only hope that any wounds he may have suffered are of a superficial variety, and that he’ll be back in the saddle in no time.

    that fella in the picture is wildman mark out of abileen. he fights dirtier than a coalminer. best wishes to you, Kid.

  2. ATX, thanks for the kind words… Both wines showed beautifully. 99 was a great classic vintage but I don’t think it will be as long-lived as 01. The 99 Roagna was great and is already drinking very nicely. The 01 PdB Pora was powerful and tannic… many, many years ahead of it.

    J:yule, remember the days we used to ride together out west? We shall ride them again some day…

    Brooklynguy, the SD Kid picked hisself up and dusted hisself off and got right back up on that silver Hyundai of his… Coalminer Mark is from Houston actually… he fights dirty but he was no match for the Kid!

  3. We cowboys from Houston have to fight you “school’d” italian (thats “eye”talian from ’round these parts) wine drinkers…hell, we’re still slingin’ our wicker baskets down here in the lone star state!

    I feel another showdown coming on soon…

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